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Книги 17151—17175 из 19355.
  • Survivors
  • Littlefield Sophie
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • An Aftertime NovellaDOING RIGHT ISN'T EASY IN A WORLD GONE SO WRONGCass Dollar outlasted the fall of civilization. But surviving Aftertime requires the kind of toughness that can conquer the violent landscape of California and still retain its humanity.When a young boy and his dying grandmother are brought to the Box, the survivalist community where Cass takes shelter, she realizes that without her help he won't be long for this unforgiving new world. But while the Box is a haven from the roaming marauders – and the flesh-hungry Beaters – it forbids children within its confines. The boy will be turned out to fend for himself. All that stands between him and the brutal wilderness is Cass's protective instincts, and the stubborn resolve that's gotten her this far Aftertime.

  • Sushi for One?
  • Tang Camy
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • This perky debut chick lit novel by Tang gently pokes fun at Asian culture and the life of Christian singles. Lex Sakai is a 30-year-old single Asian-American volleyball coach whose control-freak grandmother is determined to fix her up with a man. Lex is more passionate about making a prestigious volleyball team than dating one of her grandmother's candidates. Although a secret in Lex's past makes romance difficult, she has a six-point list from the biblical book of Ephesians detailing the godly man she wants. Disaster, of course, is right around the corner. The sassy narrative is solid chick lit, ...

  • Suspect
  • Crais Robert
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • LAPD cop Scott James is not doing so well. Eight months ago, a shocking nighttime assault by unidentified men killed his partner Stephanie, nearly killed him, and left him enraged, ashamed, and ready to explode. He is unfit for duty—until he meets his new partner.Maggie is not doing so well, either. A German shepherd who survived three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan sniffing explosives before losing her handler to an IED, her PTSD is as bad as Scott’s.They are each other’s last chance. Shunned and shunted to the side, they set ...

  • Suspect Lover
  • Doyle Stephanie
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • Eager to start a family, Caroline Sommerville marries Dominic Santos in a whirlwind courtship. Then the unthinkable happens: her husband becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his business partner.With Dominic on the run from the police, Caroline is his last hope. Though she's only known him a short time, she's certain he was framed.But there's so much about him she doesn't know. And when a damning secret in Dominic's past surfaces, Caroline has to decide whether she believes in the man she married. Is he the murderer he's accused of being? Or is he the husband who needs her trust – and love?

  • Suspense & Sensibility
  • Bebris Carrie
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • Persuaded by Mrs. Bennet to sponsor a London social season for Elizabeth’s sister Kitty, the Darcys reluctantly return to the glittering ballrooms and parlors of the fashionable world. There Kitty meets Harry Dashwood, the handsome young owner of Norland, and they quickly fall in love. But for the Bennet sisters, it seems the course of true love simply cannot run smooth. No sooner do Harry and Kitty announce their engagement than Harry begins to change. His disreputable behavior, unexplained absences, mysterious gatherings, questionable new companions, and sinister activities lead all to wonder: Who is the true Mr. Dashwood? — the respectable gentleman Kitty thought she knew, or the dishonorable rogue now reflected in the mirror? A clue from Harry’s family tree sends the Darcys once more on a quest to discover the truth before history can repeat itself. For if Harry and Kitty are to have a future, the past must first be put to rest.

  • Swallowing Darkness
  • Гамильтон Лорел
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Merry Gentry is not your average private investigator. Half human, half faerie, she's caught in a struggle that threatens not only her life, but the lives of those she desires and holds dear. Her very existence and her rightful place on the throne of Faerie have long depended on her ability to produce an heir - and now, after many failed attempts, the services of her royal guards have found her pregnant...It is a triumphant moment, but revelation follows revelation: for Merry carries two babies, and she knows thay they have more than one father...And of course, there are those of her own flesh and blood who want Merry dead, but she is a fighter and wields a wild magic. And this is her world, where the magical and the mortal intertwine, where folklore, fantasy and erotically charged adventure collide...

  • Swarm
  • Evans Jon
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • James Kowalski is having a bad week. First he found out his genius girlfriend Sophie has been hiding something important from him. Now the US government wants her to investigate a drug cartel's new weapon: unmanned drones. Drones that happen to look a whole lot like the ones his best friend Jesse uses to hunt treasure in the Caribbean-or so Jesse says.Then a research trip goes violently wrong, and James finds himself stranded deep in the Colombian jungle, on the run from brutal drug lords.But things don't get truly desperate until he stumbles upon what's really going on. Because that just might be the end of the world as we know it…

  • Sweet and Deadly aka Dead Dog
  • Harris Charlaine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Now best known for her New York Times bestselling Sookie Stackhouse novels, Charlaine Harris hit "a home run the first time out" (Birmingham News) with the story of a murder that embroils a small-town reporter in mystery that hits close to home…Catherine Linton has returned to her hometown of Lowfield, Mississippi, unconvinced that the death of her parents in a car crash six months earlier was an accident. And her suspicions are confirmed when she stumbles upon the dead and beaten body of her doctor-father's longtime nurse. There are secrets being kept in Lowfield. And the town where Catherine grew up may be the same place where she is sent to her grave…

  • Sweet Dreams, Irene
  • Burke Jan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Irene Kelly is a reporter with a fierce integrity. Detective Frank Harriman is her lover and friend. Now they’re both about to be plunged into political hellfire when a ruthless politician rocks a race for district attorney with a stunning allegation: his opponent’s son is in the clutches of a satanic cult. The charge takes a fatal turn when a local woman is brutally murdered, and the grisly crime scene bears unholy implications. Tracking the clues takes Irene behind the closed doors of an isolated home for troubled youths, where obscuring the truth is only part of a stranger’s diabolic game. To win it, Irene will have the devil to pay.

  • Swimming To Catalina
  • Woods Stuart
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyFormerly a cop and now a lawyer, Stone Barrington is plummeting to the bottom of the ocean with an anchor chained to his waist at the start of Woods's 17th novel (after Dead in the Water, 1997), a smoothly presented if slight thriller that ambles pleasurably through a kidnapping plot involving Barrington's ex-lover (improbably named Arrington). Her husband, actor Vance Calder, flies Barrington out to Hollywood to help find her. In L.A., Barrington goes from flavor-of-the-minute to persona non grata in less time than it takes a flop to disappear from a multiplex. Naturally he's ...

  • Swimsuit
  • Patterson James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Syd, a breathtakingly beautiful supermodel on a photo shoot in Hawaii, disappears. Fearing the worst, her parents travel to Hawaii to investigate for themselves, never expecting the horror that awaits them. LA Times reporter Ben Hawkins is conducting his own research into the case, hoping to help the victim and get an idea for his next bestseller. With no leads and no closer to uncovering the kidnapper's identity than when he stepped off the plane, Ben gets a shocking visit that pushes him into an impossible-to-resist deal with the devil. A heart-pounding story of fear and desire, SWIMSUIT transports readers to a chilling new territory where the collision of beauty and murder transforms paradise into a hell of unspeakable horrors.

  • Sympathy Between Humans
  • Compton Jodi
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Sarah Pribek, a Minneapolis missing persons detective, is under suspicion. Investigated but not yet charged in the arson murder of the man who raped and killed her best friend's daughter, she's protecting the identity of the real perpetrator, even though a zealous prosecutor is closing in and threatening to indict her. With her husband in jail in Wisconsin for a crime related to the same case (only alluded to briefly here, but fully explicated in The 37th Hour, the first in the series featuring Pribek), the detective finds herself involved in two other assignments where the line between justice ...

  • Sympathy for the Devil
  • Пратт Тим
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • An anthology of storiesThe Devil is known by many names: Serpent, Tempter, Beast, Adversary, Wanderer, Dragon, Rebel. His traps and machinations are the stuff of legends. His faces are legion. No matter what face the devil wears, Sympathy for the Devil has them all. Edited by Tim Pratt, Sympathy for the Devil collects the best Satanic short stories by Neil Gaiman, Holly Black, Stephen King, Kage Baker, Charles Stross, Elizabeth Bear, Jay Lake, Kelly Link, China Mieville, Michael Chabon, and many others, revealing His Grand Infernal Majesty, in all his forms. Thirty-five stories, from classics to the cutting edge, exploring the many sides of Satan, Lucifer, the Lord of the Flies, the Father of Lies, the Prince of the Powers of the Air and Darkness, the First of the Fallen… and a Man of Wealth and Taste. Sit down and spend a little time with the Devil.

  • Szachownica Flamandzka
  • P?rez-Reverte Arturo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • M?odej konserwatorce dzie? sztuki powierzono zadanie odrestaurowania obrazu flamandzkiego mistrza z XV wieku, przedstawiaj?cego dw?ch m??czyzn graj?cych w szachy oraz kobiet?. Podczas pracy Julia odkrywa ukryty pod warstw? farby napis po ?acinie, kt?ry mo?na przet?umaczy? na dwa sposoby: "Kto zabi? rycerza" lub "Kto zbi? skoczka". Zaintrygowana, informuje o swoim odkryciu kilkoro przyjaci??. Zwraca si? te? do swego by?ego kochanka – historyka sztuki z pro?b? o informacje na temat malarza i sportretowanych przez niego os?b. Kluczem do zagadki okazuje si? uk?ad figur na namalowanej szachownicy. Wci?gni?ty do ...

  • T de trampa
  • Grafton Sue
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Es el mes de diciembre, y Kinsey Millhone atraviesa una ?poca de calma. Tiene entre manos un caso rutinario: una colisi?n entre dos veh?culos, que ha de investigar para el abogado Lowell Effinger. Sin embargo, a medida que avanza en sus pesquisas, empieza a sospechar que la mayor?a de los implicados, incluidos los testigos, no son lo que parecen. Adem?s, la tranquilidad de Kinsey se ve perturbada cuando Gus Vronsky, un vecino que no se distingue precisamente por su amabilidad ni su buen humor, sufre una ca?da y no puede valerse por s? mismo; ...

  • T Is For Trespass
  • Grafton Sue
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyStarred Review. The 20th Kinsey Millhone crime novel (after 2005's S Is for Silence), a gripping, if depressing, tale of identify theft and elder abuse, displays bestseller Grafton's storytelling gifts. By default, Millhone, a private investigator in the small Southern California town of Santa Teresa, assumes responsibility for the well-being of an old neighbor, Gus Vronsky, injured in a fall. After Vronsky's great-niece arranges to hire a home aide, Solana Rojas, Millhone begins to suspect that Rojas is not all that she seems. Since the reader knows from the start that an unscrupulous master manipulator ...

  • Ta?cz?cy Trumniarz
  • Deaver Jeffery
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Detektyw Lincoln Rhyme, duma i chwa?a nowojorskiej policji kryminalnej, ?ciga nieuchwytnego, seryjnego morderc? zwanego Ta?cz?cym Trumniarzem. Ten niezwykle inteligentny zbrodniarz uderza znienacka, b?yskawicznie, zawsze w odmienny spos?b, po czym znika bez ?ladu. Tylko jedna z jego ofiar zauwa?y?a charakterystyczny szczeg??, o kt?rym przed ?mierci? zd??y?a powiedzie? policji. Ten szczeg?? to niezwyk?y tatua? na ramieniu mordercy, przedstawiaj?cy ?mier? ta?cz?c? z kobiet? przed otwart? trumn?.Co oznacza zagadkowy tatua?? Czy ta skromna wskaz?wka pomo?e Rhyme'owi ocali? kolejne ofiary dzia?aj?cego z ?elazn? konsekwencj? zab?jcy? Opromieniony s?aw? detektyw zdaje sobie spraw?, ?e oto trafi? na godnego siebie przeciwnika, najbardziej za? dr?czy go granicz?ce z pewno?ci? przeczucie, ?e ju? gdzie?, kiedy? go spotka?…