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Книги 17101—17125 из 19355.
  • Street Game
  • Feehan Christine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • For Mack McKinley and his team of GhostWalker killing machines, urban warfare is an art. But despite a hard-won knowledge of the San Francisco streets, Mack knows from experience that too many things can still go wrong. Danger was just another part of the game – and now he's come face-to-face with a woman who can play just as tough. She's Jaimie, a woman with a sapphire stare so potent it can destroy a man. Years ago she and Mack had a history – volatile, erotic and electric. Then she vanished. But now she's walked back into Mack's life again, as a spy with more secrets than are good for her. Against all odds, she's hooking up with Mack one more time to take on an enemy that could destroy them both, or bring them back together in one hot, no-holds-barred adrenaline rush.

  • Strefa 7
  • Reilly Mathew
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Ponowne spotkanie czytelnik?w z bohaterem Stacji lodowej porucznikiem Shanem Schofieldem. Do tajnej podziemnej bazy Si? Powietrznych w stanie Utah, zwanej Sfer? 7, gdzie ameryka?ska armia prowadzi badania nad ?miercionosnymi wirusami, przybywa z inspekcj? prezydent USA. Go?cie nie zdaj? sobie sprawy, ?e miejsce to jest w r?kach genera?a-renegata, kt?ry pragnie policzy? si? z prezydentem i przechwyci? w?adz? w kraju. Genera? grozi zdetonowaniem ?adunk?w j?drowych w najwi?kszych miastach Ameryki, dzi?ki dost?powi do czarnej walizeczki prezydenta kontroluje ca?y ameryka?ski arsena? nuklearny. Ochron? szefa pa?stwa zajmuje si? osobi?cie Shan Schofield. Tylko on jest zdolny przeciwstawi? si? rzeszom doborowych komandos?w. W labiryncie podziemnych tuneli, hangar?w i laboratori?w rozpoczyna si? ?mierciono?ny pojedynek…

  • Strefa ?mierci
  • King Stephen
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • M?ody nauczyciel Johnny Smith pada ofiar? gro?nego wypadku samochodowego. Przez kilka lat pozostaje w szpitalu w stanie ?pi?czki. Kiedy jednak odzyskuje ?wiadomo??, ?e jest bogatszy o niezwyk?y talent – zdolno?? jasnowidzenia. Dzi?ki temu b?dzie m?g? zdemaskowa? seryjnego morderc?, a tak?e przewidzie? tragiczny w skutkach po?ar. Dar jasnowidzenia popchnie go do dramatycznej konfrontacji z charyzmatycznym i bardzo niebezpiecznym kandydatem na stanowisko prezydenta Stan?w Zjednoczonych…

  • Strega
  • Vachss Andrew
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyIn his first novel, Flood, attorney-turned-novelist Vachss introduced Burke, the ex-con investigator who's not averse to working either side of the law. The book captured the brutal atmosphere of New York 's underbelly. This modern-day Robin Hood returns to that seamy world, complete with a merry band that includes a mute Mongolian strongman, a weird genius who lives in a junkyard, a transvestite prostitute and an intimidating dog named Pansy. Hired by a strangely alluring Mafia princess calling herself Strega ("witch" in loose translation), Burke must find a certain photograph of a child forced into ...

  • Strip Jack
  • Rankin Ian
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • SOMEONE IS STRIPPING JACK NAKED… Gregor Jack, MP, well like, young, married to the fiery Elizabeth to the outside world a very public sucess story. But Jack's carefully nurtured career plans take a tumble after a 'mistake' during a police raid on a notorious Edinburgh brothel. Then Elizabeth disappears, a couple of bodies float into viewwhere they shouldn't, and a lunatic speaks from his asylum… With his wife missing, his job on the line, and his sanity in doubt, Gregor Jack is ripe for revenge.

  • Stripped
  • Freeman Brian
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In this stunning follow-up to Brian Freeman's remarkable debut novel, Immoral, Detective Jonathan Stride discovers that there are only two ways to go in Las Vegas. You can hit the jackpot. Or you can get Stripped…They looked like isolated cases: a hit-and-run and a celebrity murdered during a fling with a prostitute. No one could ever imagine they'd be linked to a brutal crime in Las Vegas 's steamy past-and that the race against the clock to corner a determined serial killer would stir up secrets long thought buried with the dead. As detectives Jonathan Stride and ...

  • Studio Sex
  • Marklund Liza
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Ocho a?os antes de los dram?ticos sucesos de Dinamita…La reportera novata Annika Bengtzon acaba de empezar unas pr?cticas de verano en un importante peri?dico de Estocolmo, el Kv?llspressen. All? se encarga de la aburrida tarea de atender la l?nea telef?nica de los chivatazos. Pero antes de que haya tenido la menor oportunidad de adentrarse en el fren?tico mundo del periodismo, aparece el cad?ver desnudo de una chica joven en un cementerio. Una stripper que trabajaba en el club Studio Sex ha sido violada y estrangulada, y el principal sospechoso es un secretario del Gobierno. Annika r?pidamente se da cuenta de que este caso puede ser la oportunidad para escribir su primer gran art?culo y catapultarse a la fama. Aunque a medida que descubre el oscuro infierno de los clubes de alterne, se va internando peligrosamente en un mundo de sexo y violencia.

  • Subterranean
  • Rollins James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Review"A gripping deep Earth adventure." – - New York Times bestselling author Charles Pellegrino"A gripping deep Earth adventure." – New York Timesbestselling author Charles PellegrinoProduct DescriptionTravel To The Bottom Of The Earth…to place you never dreamed existed.Beneath The Ice…a hand-picked team of specialists makes its way toward the center of the world. They are not the first to venture into this magnificient subterranean labyrinth. Those they follow did not return.Over The Rocks…Across The Yawning Caverns…Beyond The Black River…You are not alone.Into The Darkness…where breathtaking wonders awaits you – and terrors beyond imaging…Revelations that could change the world – things that should never be disturbed…At The Bottom Of The Earth Is The Beginning.Keep Moving…toward a miracle that cannot be…toward a mystery older than time.

  • Sudden Death
  • Balkind Michael
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Pure fun, pure intrigue. The action never stops until a fascinating climax! -Clive CusslerYou like golf, you like murder mysteries, then Sudden Death is your book! -James Patterson***Reid Clark is a pro golfer at the top of the leader board during the PGA tour; he s also a hothead with a reputation for trouble. Reid receives a death threat right before teeing off on the final day of the Master's Tournament, and hires a P.I. to track down the perpetrator. Suspense builds throughout as Reid tries to compete in one of golf s most prestigious contests…and woo the woman he loves…while dodging death at every turn. For golfers, and mystery lovers in general, Sudden Death will score big.

  • Sue?os asesinos
  • Johansen Iris
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • En una noche oscura, los terrores del pasado volver?n a la vida de Sophie Dunston. Reconocida especialista en terapias del sue?o y creadora del tratamiento REM-4, la cient?fica ha visto c?mo sus hallazgos se vuelven contra ella al ser utilizados para controlar la mente de los pacientes y convertirlos en crueles asesinos. Para salvaguardar su seguridad y la de su hijo Michael, durante a?os ha luchado con todas sus fuerzas denunciando las oscuras pr?cticas de Robert Sanborne, su antiguo jefe, aunque todo ha sido en vano. Esta vez, los sicarios del magnate farmac?...

  • Sue?os de perro
  • Orsi Guillermo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cuando Sebasti?n Mareco se entera por televisi?n de que en un inquilinato de mala muerte han asesinado a un viejo amigo, la tentaci?n de olvidar inmediatamente la noticia tiene los s?lidos fundamentos del sentido com?n y el instinto de supervivencia. El Chivo Robirosa nunca fue un inocente, aunque licuadas en el tercer o cuarto whisky de la madrugada las entra?ables im?genes del pasado acarician la memoria de Mareco. La tentaci?n de volver a quien no hace tanto tiempo triunf? en Italia corriendo detr?s de una absurda pelota ovalada, de abrazarse ...